August Adventures: Explore with KP International

Over the past 16 months, everyone working in health care has been stretched and asked to adapt quickly. Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to take a break and recharge.
In August, KP International is taking a break from scheduled webinars. Instead, we will be active on LinkedIn and Twitter, sharing content and facilitating conversations on wellness, innovation, and health around the world.
In September, we are offering the virtual Integrated Health Experience program for the last time in 2021, highlighting how our integrated model enables high-quality and affordable care for our patients and communities.
Power Hours: live chat sessions on self-care, food for health, innovation and top 10 questions asked of KP International.
Dates for Power Hours are August 11 and 18, 2021. Specific times will be posted on our social sites.
To join the sessions on August 11, click here for 8:00 am Pacific or 4:00 pm Pacific
Today Only Tuesdays: special opportunities for content and special rates on our upcoming program.
Fun Fridays: a little levity as we head to the weekend. Check out the posts online each Friday.
Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to see all the latest conversations and updates!