Growth mindset, more rewarding outcomes with clinical metrics
Forbes featured an article by former Permanente Medical Group CEO Robert Pearl, MD, on “The Unspoken Causes of Physician Burnout.” In part 1 of a 3-part series, Dr. Pearl examines “our nation’s broken medical culture and its untold role in the physician burnout crisis. My hope is that shedding light on previously unspoken truths will help change medical practice, improve patient health and alleviate some of the pain doctors feel.” He goes on to explain how clinical performance data can be reframed as what he calls the “Group Excellence” model, which identifies areas of strength for each physician, encourages helping others to improve, and emphasizes the value of collaborative performance.
Are you striving to improve the health system in your country or organization? If you are an international health care leader interested in learning about Kaiser Permanente’s leading best practices, focus on quality, and use of technology to drive health care transformation, join our open program, Innovation + Transformation in Health Care, on October 2-4, 2019 in Oakland, California. Read the program details and register online.